I adore
finding free stuff on the Internet!
If you would like to see a site posted here, please contact me.
Free Software
I don't
know about you, but this is my favorite kind of software.
(I Seek You)
Download the coolest
chat program for absolutely free.
This site has got
every program that you could ever want or need. I don't think that I
could ever find enough time to explore this extensive site. If you
want FREE, then this is the place!!
Free Stuff
Software and a lot of
other free stuff. A lot of demos and shareware, but also freeware.
If you are running
Windows OS, you will find every program that Microsoft offers. Many of
them are completely free and enhance programs already on your personal
computer.. The site also has driver upgrades and patches for
Microsoft-based products.
This is a site
devoted to both freeware and shareware for Windows-based programs and
products. There is also a host of other services and information here.
If you use Windows, this site should be book marked for an occasional
visit. You can also sign up for a free e-mail newsletter.

Xdrive |
gives you up to 100MB of FREE personal space on the Internet. Use
Xdrive to easily store, access, play, share, and protect your files.
Anytime, anywhere, from any device! |
 Since this page is constantly
undergoing revisions, please let me know of any broken links that
you find here. I would also love to hear from you if you have
found some other interesting stuff.

me e-mail
number is 1065581.
Hewitt, Texas
