It is my hope that you find lots of
interesting links and helpful AA resources while you are here.
This site was created in order to help AA members find recovery
related sites and groups on the Internet. If anyone finds a site
that they would like to see posted here, please feel free to
contact me. The sites listed here are primarily AA related, but
some of them may have additional information unrelated to AA. Here
is a list of sites that may aid you in recovery from this deadly
malady of mind and spirit:
Friends of Bill W.
These links are from personal homepages
and friends that have decided to share their talents with us.
They are all examples of selflessness and service to others.
Thanks to each and every one of you!
Online AA Groups and
. This page is a listing of many online
E-mail, Chatrooms, ICQ , and Bulletin Board AA Groups. I hope
that this helps you to find a "home."
Comprehensive and
Regional Sites
These are sites that have EVERYTHING!
Here you will also find the sites of various Intergroups and
Regions from around the world. These sites epitomize the slogan
"Carry the Message" in my opinion. Thanks to all the
webmasters and groups for their wonderful and selfless service.
AA Literature and History
What's an AA website without literature?
Here are many links to explore our literature and the history of
our fellowship. I can spend hours and hours at these sites.
Personal Stories of
These are personal stories that have
been submitted by individuals. Each one is a miracle of the AA
program and I thank each one from the bottom of my heart for
sharing with us. If you would like to share your story, please
contact me and we'll get it posted together.

Please Contact Me

Please feel free to send me e-mail by
clicking the icon above..
I have made a commitment to be of
service to all who reach out.
My ICQ number is 1065581.

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Microsoft Explorer 5.5
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©Copyright 1997 - 2000. All rights reserved. These pages are privately
maintained and are in no way affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous® or any other
organization or institution. The views and/or opinions are solely those of the
author(s) and does not represent the views or opinions of any organization.
Last edited on: May 01, 2004